Seeing the smiles on faces and hearing words of blessing and gratitude from the needy and underprivileged always feels new, creating a fuzzy sensation and pleasure that words cannot describe. I would go any distance to make an impact, such as traveling 65+ hours to and from the North Region of Cameroon. Despite the hectic nature of the trip, I can’t get over the impact we created. These are among the great things, which make me happy.
My team and I raised funds to pay for the tuition of 150 indigent children and donate seeds to 100 low-income farmers in the Bockle Community.
In the coming months, we will introduce a technology called SAMS (Smart Agricultural Monitoring System), which I first prototyped during my TechGirls experience at Virginia Tech University.
We are grateful to everyone who supported our project and look forward to creating more impact!
Britney B Moukoko | TechGirls | Open Dreams Scholar